This is the English translation of the general terms and conditions. However, the Dutch text shall be the leading and binding version in case of any discrepancies or differences in interpretation between the Dutch and English versions.



These conditions apply to participation in games that iCasino bv offers via the URL


Article 1. Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the terms below, indicated with a capital letter and in the singular or plural, have the following meaning:

  • General Terms and Conditions : these General Terms and Conditions.
  • ICasino bv hereinafter: the limited liability company legally registered under Dutch law on July 13, 2022,Chamber of Commerce 86995294, with registered office and principal place of business at Boschstraat 21a, 6211AS Maastricht. Website
  • BSN :Citizen service number.
  • Bonuses :a good or service offered by ICasino bv to the Player, such as free playing credit.
  • Cruks :Central Register for the Exclusion of Games of Chance.
  • Services :the games of chance offered by ICasino bv under our License on the Platform.
  • Game provider :the company that develops and supplies online casino games to ICasino bv .
  • Intellectual property rights :all intellectual property rights relating to the Platform and the Services, including but not limited to patent law, copyright, trade name right, trademark right, design right, database right and neighboring rights, as well as rights to know-how and trade secrets.
  • Gaming Authority : the government regulator of the gaming sector.
  • E.P .:politically exposed person, immediate family members and close associates of that person.
  • Platform :the entirety of communication with which ICasino bv offers its Services, including Hardrockcasino .nl and all underlying pages and subdomains.
  • Gaming account :the verified offset account held by ICasino bv in its gaming system in the name of the Player with the gaming credit of that Player, which is used exclusively for the purpose of participating in the Services.
  • Playing winnings :prizes achieved by the Player through participation in the Services.
  • Player :the customer of ICasino bv who is registered in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.
  • Player account :the personal environment to which the Player gains access after registration or successfully registering as a Player.
  • Contra account :the account held in the name of a player with a credit institution established in a Member State authorized as referred to in Article 8 of Directive 2013/36/EU, with a payment service provider established in a Member State authorized as referred to in Article 11 of Directive (EU ) 2015/2366 or at an electronic money institution established in a Member State as referred to in Article 1:1 of the Financial Supervision Act with a license as referred to in Article 2:10a or that complies with Article 2:10e of that Act.
  • Permit :the Permit for organizing remote games of chance as referred to in Article 31a of the Gambling Act with identification; 2250/01.316.607
  • Wwft :the Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.


Article 2. Applicability

The General Terms and Conditions apply to all Services that ICasino bv offers on the Platform. ICasino bv reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions at any time to, among other things, comply with applicable laws, regulations and other regulatory requirements. If ICasino bv changes the General Terms and Conditions, ICasino bv will notify the Player .


Article 3. Permit

ICasino bv has been granted a license to organize Services on the Platform by the Gaming Authority. The license was granted 21st of May 2024 and has valitdity until 21st of May 2029. The license number: 2250/01.316.607


Article 4. Privacy

ICasino bv collects, processes and secures the personal data of Players in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable legislation . For further information, see our privacy statement.


Article 5. Customer service

Customer Service is available 24/7 free of charge in Dutch and English via:


The Customer Service has the following tasks:

  • Provision of information and support regarding Services that ICasino bv offers on the Platform;
  • Registering and handling complaints in accordance with legislation and regulations, as detailed in Article 7 General Terms and Conditions; and
  • Recognizing and registering internal and external signals that indicate unlawful participation or risks of gambling addiction.


Article 6. Communication with ICasino bv

The Player must follow the following rules of conduct:

  • Respect the employees of ICasino bv , the game providers and other players;
  • Don't bother other Players;
  • Respect the privacy of other Players; and
  • Do not use hurtful, hateful or offensive language.

Expressing threats, insults or any other inappropriate behavior towards the Customer Service of ICasino bv , its employees, other representatives or other Players may result in suspension or termination of the Player account.


The chat function is monitored by the Game provider and/or iCasino bv. If the rules of conduct are not complied with, iCasino bv can intervene by issuing a warning, temporarily suspending the Player account, terminating the Player account or taking another measure that iCasino bv deems appropriate.


The Player may not use the chat function for the purpose of discussing and/or conspiring with other players. 


Article 7. Complaints procedure

Complaints must be submitted in writing to Customer Service at [email protected]

Complaints will be registered within 72 hours of receipt and confirmed to the complainant within 72 hours. This records:

  • The contact details of the complainant;
  • The date of receipt of the complaint; and
  • The subject and content of the complaint.


Customer Service handles complaints, depending on their nature, within 8 weeks of receipt. The complainant will be informed in writing, stating the reasons, of the findings regarding the complaint and of the conclusion.

If the complaint relates to behavior about which the complainant has previously submitted a complaint and which has been handled in accordance with this complaints procedure, ICasino bv reserves the right not to handle this complaint or to reject this complaint with reference to its previous decision.


The completion of the handling of the complaint will be registered within 72 hours after the handling. This records:

  • Within what period the complaint has been resolved;
  • How the complaint was handled; and
  • The result of the handling of the complaint.

The personal data concerning the complainant are registered in accordance with the privacy statement


Article 8. Intellectual property

The Intellectual Property Rights to the Platform, the Bonuses, the Services and the name (Seminole Hard Rock Digital, LLC) used by us belong to ICasino bv and/or companies affiliated with ICasino bv and/or its licensors.


Participation in the Services is only for personal use for the purpose of participating in the games of chance on the Platform. Players may not infringe the aforementioned Intellectual Property Rights by disclosing them in any way, copying them or using them for any other purpose. It is therefore not permitted to reverse engineer or decompile the content of the Platform, to change, remove or obscure the proprietary notice thereof, or to attempt to derive the source code or other confidential information or to rely on any to the detriment of ICasino bv , companies affiliated with ICasino bv and/or its licensors.


Players are furthermore not permitted to register domain names, brands or Google AdWords that resemble or are identical to any works and/or characters to which ICasino bv has Intellectual Property Rights.


Not only ICasino bv , but also third parties affiliated with ICasino bv and/or partners involved in the Platform can rely on this article. This article and, where necessary, the other articles of the General Terms and Conditions, apply to them as an irrevocable third-party clause as referred to in Article 6:253 of the Dutch Civil Code.


Article 9. Liability

ICasino bv is not liable for damage and/or loss resulting from or in connection with the use of the Platform, participation in the Services and/or for information provided by or on behalf of ICasino bv , including the employees of ICasino bv


ICasino bv accepts no liability for any damage or loss, both direct and indirect, that may arise from or are related to the following actions of the Player:

  • Making cash deposits into the Player Account via a third party card or account;
  • Providing incorrect personal account information;
  • Allowing third parties to use the Player Account to make deposits and/or withdrawals.


ICasino bv accepts no liability for damage resulting from (temporary) interruptions or malfunctions of the functions and/or temporary limitations of the possibilities of the Platform or the Services.


ICasino bv is not liable for disruptions caused by the Player's equipment or disruptions from the Player's internet provider or for damage caused by unauthorized use of the Player account.


ICasino bv accepts no liability for damage resulting from the bankruptcy of the bank(s) or other parties with which ICasino bv collaborates for the operation of the Platform.


ICasino bv is not liable for damage resulting from force majeure, such as but not limited to internet disruptions, hardware failures, network failures and similar circumstances, DDOS and similar attacks, strikes, riots, government measures, fire, pandemic, natural disasters, floods and other unforeseen circumstances. .


The limitations of liability stated in this article do not apply to the extent that mandatory law dictates otherwise.


By 'damage' as referred to in this article, ICasino bv also means consequential damage, such as but not limited to lost turnover, profit and immaterial damage as well as the loss of data.


Article 10. Other general provisions

ICasino bv reserves the right to transfer the rights and obligations arising from the General Terms and Conditions to third parties. ICasino bv does not require the Player's prior written permission for this.


The Player is not permitted to transfer his rights and obligations under the General Terms and Conditions to a third party without the prior written permission of ICasino bv


ICasino bv reserves the right to change, add or discontinue the Services to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations and the License.

If ICasino bv does not use its rights or does not use it partially, this does not mean that


ICasino bv waives these rights and this does not release the Player from his obligations.

If a provision of the General Terms and Conditions is contrary to law or regulations, this will not affect the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions. The provision in question will be deemed to have been replaced by a new provision that is legally permitted and which, in terms of nature and content, will reflect the intent of the original provision as much as possible.


All telephone, written and digital communications with ICasino bv are stored for security, training and compliance purposes. The privacy policy applies to this.


Article 11. Other conditions

For full Bonus Terms and Conditions, see the Bonus terms and conditions.


Article 12. Applicable law and competent court

Dutch law applies to the General Terms and Conditions and all related agreements between Player and ICasino bv. The District Court of Amsterdam has exclusive jurisdiction to hear possible disputes, unless the law prescribes a different court.


The Player Account

Article 13. Registration

Registration with Icasino bv is permitted for all natural persons who:

  • Have reached the age of 24 ;
  • Not registered in Cruks; and
  • Not under guardianship


To register, the following information must be provided, where applicable, as also stated on the relevant identity document:

  • First name(s) and last name;
  • Birthdate and place;
  • Social fiscal number;
  • Residential address;
  • E-mail address;
  • Phone number;
  • Bank account number and ascription; and
  • Nature, number, date and place of issue of a valid identity document (for this purpose the person must upload a valid identity document).


By registering, Player declares:

  • Agree to the General Terms and Conditions;
  • To be the holder of the Player Account, to have used your own details for registration and to have created the Player Account solely for your own use;
  • To have completed the information truthfully;
  • Have reached the age of 24 ;
  • Not to be registered in Cruks;
  • Not to be under guardianship and/or guardianship;
  • Not to be in a debt restructuring process;
  • To be competent to enter into an agreement;
  • Not to act in conflict with the Wwft. This means, among other things, that the Player ensures that his Player Account is not used for money laundering, financing of terrorism, violation of sanctions regulations, abuse and/or fraud;
  • To handle the means of identification for registration as a Player on the Platform with care, to take all reasonable measures to prevent their use by third parties, and, if necessary, to follow the further regulations to be laid down by ICasino bv ;
  • To have taken note of and, if necessary, to have made a copy of:
    • The terms and conditions;
    • The responsible gaming page
    • Itprivacy statement;
    • Itcomplaints policy;
    • The bonus conditions;
  • Ensure that you as a player are aware of all laws and regulations as a credit card holder and read, know and understand the rules of the game before participating in a game.


Registration as a Player only takes place after:

  • Successful identification and verification of the specified and submitted data using the VerifyMe module (or similar) of ICasino bv can use the so-called Cruks code and verification of the ascription of the Counter Account as an alternative identity verification for Players with a BSN;
  • Validation of the email address and telephone number;
  • Validation of the offset account;
  • Consultation of Cruks and confirmation that the person concerned is not included therein;
  • Client research, which means that ICasino bv determines that there are no objections or reservations against registration of the person concerned as a Player on the basis of the Wwft and/or the Sanctions Act 1977;
  • Determination of the limits by the person concerned, namely:
    • The maximum duration of access to the Player Account per day, week or month;
    • The maximum deposits into the Gaming Account per day, week or month; and
    • The maximum credit on the Gaming Account;
  • Establishing that the person concerned is 24 years or older; and
  • If applicable, successful completion of an enhanced customer due diligence.


With regard to PEPs, ICasino bv implements a number of speciļ¬c measures, namely:

  • Permission from the senior management of ICasino bv to register the person concerned as a Player;
  • Intensive monitoring of transactions; and
  • At all times, investigate the origin of the PEP's resources/capital.


ICasino bv reserves the right to request further documents and information as part of the registration as a Player or not to register a person as a Player if ICasino bv knows or should reasonably suspect that the person concerned does not meet the conditions for registration as a Player as referred to in this article suffices. ICasino bv reserves the right not to accept a Player's registration in advance without providing the person with the reason.


Article 14. Purpose of the Player Account

Participation can only take place by the owner of the Player account. It is not permitted to create and/or use a Player Account in a manner that is contrary to applicable laws and regulations and/or these General Terms and Conditions.


The Player Account must only be used to participate in the Services on the Platform. For example, it is not permitted to build up a balance that is not used to participate in the Services.


Article 15. Registration

ICasino bv identifies the Player and consults Cruks. The Player will only have access to his Player Account after it has been established that the Player is not registered in Cruks, with the exception of the situation in which Cruks cannot be consulted due to a technical malfunction. In that case:

  • ICasino bv will immediately inform the Gaming Authority of the disruption and its consequences;
  • Icasino bv shall consult Cruks as soon as possible after the malfunction has been resolved; and
  • Terminated ICasino bv the registration of the player registered in Cruks and registered during the disruption.


ICasino bv has taken technical and organizational measures to prevent continuous and/or unauthorized registration. The Player may not circumvent or hinder these .


ICasino bv will not allow a Player to participate in the Services if the conditions set out in Article 13 of these General Terms and Conditions are not met.


Article 16. Suspension

ICasino bv suspends the possibility of participating in the Services in any case:

  • At the request of the Player;
  • these General Terms and Conditions are no longer met ;
  • In the event of a reasonable suspicion that the Player may cause harm to himself or his loved ones through excessive participation in games of chance or gambling addiction, as a result of which ICasino bv has advised the Player to register in Cruks, failing which ICasino bv has informed the Gaming Authority about this;
  • In the event of (a reasonable suspicion of) abuse, fraud, foul play or other improper use of the services of ICasino bv or non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including in any case, but not limited to, money laundering;
  • If the authorities, including but not limited to the Gaming Authority, so request;
  • In the event of bankruptcy, administration, guardianship, suspension of payments or statutory debt restructuring or other insolvency arrangement with regard to the Player;
  • When a player self-excludes for 1, 7 or 30 days, this cannot be undone for the duration of that period.


ICasino bv may suspend the possibility of participating in the services in the event that an enhanced customer due diligence as described in Article 23 of these General Terms and Conditions leads to an insufficient result or cannot be properly carried out.


In the event of a suspension due to reasonable suspicion of any nature, the possibility of participating in the Services will be suspended for the duration of the investigation. The suspension has no consequences for the Player's access to data relating to his Gaming Account. ICasino bv reserves the right not to share the reason for suspension. As long as ICasino bv investigates one of the reasons that gave rise to a suspension of the Player account, ICasino bv also blocks access to the balance of the Player account.


Article 17. Termination

ICasino bv terminates the registration of a Player at his request. Players can make this request by contacting our Customer Service. This can be done in various ways: via e-mail [email protected] , by telephone, or by sending a message via our live chat.


ICasino bv may in any case terminate a Player's Player Account:

  • In the event of a reasonable suspicion that the conditions for registration as a Player as described in article 13 of these General Terms and Conditions are not or no longer met;
  • If there is a reasonable suspicion that the General Terms and Conditions are no longer met;
  • At any time if the Player acts in violation of laws and regulations and/or the General Terms and Conditions;
  • If multiple Player accounts have been created by one Player. In this case , ICasino bv is permitted to terminate all Player accounts. Playing winnings achieved during the period in which there was multiple Player Account(s) will expire and can be reclaimed by ICasino bv .


ICasino bv can terminate the registration of a Player in the event that enhanced customer due diligence as described in Article 23 of these General Terms and Conditions leads to an insufficient result or cannot be properly carried out. ICasino bv reserves the right not to share the reason for termination.


If the investigation, in the opinion of ICasino bv , shows that there has been fraud and/or abuse and/or acting in violation of the laws and regulations and/or the General Terms and Conditions, it will be terminated ICasino bv the Player Account and ICasino bv reserves the right not to pay out the balance associated with the Player Account to the Player. This also applies to cases in which enhanced customer due diligence as described in Article 23 of these General Terms and Conditions leads to an insufficient result or cannot be carried out properly.


Article 18. Management of the Player Account

A Player Account is personal and may never be shared. A Player may not sell, lend, transfer, or otherwise "share" his Player Account with a third party. If ICasino bv has (reasonable) suspicions that a Player account is being shared, ICasino bv will immediately suspend the Player account.


In the event of loss, theft or forgetting of the login details and/or unauthorized access to his Player Account, the Player must change his password and contact customer service immediately.


In the event of a (reasonable suspicion) of a hack of the Player's account, it is the Player's responsibility to immediately contact ICasino bv and report it.


Article 19. Player Responsibilities

It is the Player's responsibility to keep himself informed of the laws and regulations regarding Online Gambling in the Netherlands.


A Player is responsible for managing his Player Account, entering and maintaining his data completely and correctly and the security and use of the username and password identifiers to log in to the Player Account.


The Player is fully responsible for all activities, winnings and losses on his Player Account.


The Player is responsible for taking appropriate measures to ensure that his or her Player Account is not used unlawfully, including but not limited to preventing use by third parties and/or otherwise unlawful use to prevent damage of any kind and/or limit.


Article 20. Payment transactions

Payment transactions between ICasino bv and the Player only take place via the Gaming Account. A Player can only have one Gaming Account. ICasino bv does not pay interest on the balance on the gaming account. Please note: Playing at ICasino bv may be illegal in the jurisdiction you are in. If this is the case, you are not authorized to use your payment card.


ICasino bv only allows payment instruments for payment transactions with the Player that:

  • Originating from the account held in the name of a player with a credit institution established in a Member State with an authorization referred to in Article 8 of Directive 2013/36/EU, with a payment service provider established in a Member State with alicense as referred to in Article 11 of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 or with an electronic money institution established in a Member State as referred to in Article 1:1 of the Financial Supervision Act with a license as referred to in Article 2:10a or which complies with Article 2:10e of that law; and
  • Can be unambiguously traced back to the person of the Player.


ICasino bv credits and debits the Gaming Account without undue delay.

Payouts are paid without unnecessary delays. Additional checks may be required or certain limits may be exceeded, in which case the Player may be asked for additional documentation. When winning a jackpot, for example, checks are always carried out. If additional checks are required, these must first be completed successfully before payment is made.


Subject to corrections, ICasino bv will only credit a Player's Gaming Account with funds that:

  • Originate from the Player's Contra Account or from another payment account held with an institution or service provider as referred to in Article 4.25, second paragraph, under a of the Remote Gambling Decree , and which can be unambiguously linked to the person of that Player trace back;
  • Originate from Playing Winnings; or
  • Originate from a free playing credit provided by ICasino bv to the Player.


ICasino bv does not credit the Playing Account:

  • Insofar as the Player thereby exceeds one or more maximum limits as referred to in Article 13;
  • If the possibility of participation is suspended on the basis of Article 16.


ICasino bv only debits a Player's Gaming Account:

  • In favor of the Player's Counter Account; or
  • For the purpose of the Player's participation in the Services; or
  • In favor of ICasino bv 's checking account; and
  • After the Playing Account has been credited with money from the Counter Account.


ICasino bv debits the Player's Gaming Account in favor of the Counter Account, unless the reliable, responsible and verifiable organization of the Services opposes this and unless a Player has been suspended on the basis of a reasonable suspicion that the conditions are not or are no longer being met. for registration:

  • To the extent that the balance on the Playing Account exceeds the maximum indicated by the Player in his Player Account; or
  • If the Player's registration is terminated at the Player's request.


The Player is expected not to misuse his Gaming Account. Abuse includes situations such as cheating, collusion and the use of artificial intelligence or bots. ICasino bv reserves the right, at its discretion, to cancel the relevant deposit(s) in whole or in part and to deduct any costs incurred by ICasino bv in connection therewith.


ICasino bv guarantees that the funds on the Gaming Account can be paid out to the Player at any time, in compliance with the legal regulations, by maintaining a third-party account.


The Player is recommended to keep a copy of the transaction data.


ICasino bv reserves the right to share data regarding payment transactions with government agencies and sports integrity bodies on the basis of legal grounds.


Article 21: Game interruptions

ICasino bv makes every effort to prevent technical malfunctions and other incidents that prevent the normal course of the game as much as possible.


In the event of a technical malfunction or incident whereby a started game cannot be continued due to a cause on the part of ICasino bv , ICasino bv will :

  • Inform the player about this via the Platform and/or the Player Account
  • Return the Player's stake to the Counter Account.


In the event of a technical malfunction or incident whereby a started game cannot be continued due to a cause on the part of the Player, ICasino bv will :

  • If possible, inform the player about this via the interface; and
  • Do not refund the Player's stake; and
  • Settling the result of the playing round against the player account.


Article 22: Costs

No fees are payable for participating in the Services, other than the required stake, commission, rake or entry fee, unless otherwise stated on the Platform. The amount of the stake is stated under the relevant Service on the Platform.


Unless the Gambling Tax Act, Gambling Act or other legislation or regulations provide otherwise, gambling tax and gambling levy are paid by ICasino bv . Both gambling tax and gambling levy are levied on the difference between the stakes received and the prizes made available and on what is received other than as stake for giving the opportunity to participate in games of chance.


Article 23: Client due diligence

ICasino bv carries out a customer investigation into the Player in the context of the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Prevention) Act. ICasino bv does this in any case upon registration, but it can take place again at a later time.


ICasino bv reserves the right to carry out a so-called enhanced customer due diligence in the event of risk-increasing factors including, but not limited to, money laundering or terrorism financing. This is, for example, the case with:

  • Residents of countries with increased geographic risk factors; and


ICasino bv reserves the right not to share the reason for the customer due diligence. If ICasino bv determines that enhanced customer due diligence must be carried out, ICasino bv will in any case conduct an investigation into the origin of the resources and/or assets of the person involved.


ICasino bv reserves the right to request further documents and information as part of the customer due diligence.


Participation in the Services

Article 24. Valid participation in the Services

A participation is considered valid when the Player has placed his bet before the start of the Service and the participation has been registered in the ICasino bv system


It is the Player's responsibility to check that the entry details are correct.


The validity of participation is solely based on registration in the systems of ICasino bv . The systems of ICasino bv are binding.


Article 25. Invalid participation in the Services

ICasino bv reserves the right to refuse or declare participation invalid in the following situation:

  • When the Player acts contrary to applicable laws and regulations, these General Terms and Conditions or the other conditions;
  • The moment the Player has a registration in the Cruks register;
  • When there is doubt about the integrity or when there is suspicion of abuse, manipulation, fraud or other criminal or unlawful or suspicious actions;
  • If there is an error or mistake, which also includes errors by ICasino bv . Errors may include, but are not limited to:
  • Technical errors or malfunctions, for example in the systems of ICasino bv and its suppliers, this also includes human errors;
  • A misprint, spelling mistake or a similar error;
  • A registration error;
  • A transaction error.
  • When there is a combination of Betting Options that may not be combined; and
  • All other cases in which ICasino bv does not reasonably have to accept participation.


Article 26. Consequences of invalid participation in the Services

If there is an invalid participation, it will be deemed never to have taken place. In addition, ICasino bv reserves the right to suspend and terminate the Player account in the event of an invalid participation.


If ICasino bv declares a participation as invalid after a prize has been paid out, the balance on the Player's Player Account will be adjusted by deducting the amount of the invalid participation (prize minus deposit). If the balance on the Player Account is not sufficient to make this correction, the Player must immediately refund the paid out prize to ICasino bv by depositing money into his or her Player Account. This is a claim that is immediately due and payable.


If ICasino bv cannot correct the balance on the Player account due to insufficient funds and the Player does not make a deposit immediately, ICasino bv may suspend and terminate the use of the Player account.


Article 27. Responsible Gaming

A Player can change the limits of his playing behavior at any time, provided that:

  • A reduction in one or more limits takes effect immediately; and
  • An increase in one or more limits comes into effect after at least one week .


When individual agreements on limits have been made between ICasino bv and the Player, these are leading and a Player may not be able to increase his limits.


A Player can be voluntarily excluded from participation in online and other high-risk games of chance at any time by registering in Cruks.


A Player can be involuntarily excluded from participation in high-risk games of chance by being registered in Cruks by the Gaming Authority.


ICasino bv reserves the right to set/adjust (reduce) limits on the Player Account, including playing time, playing limits and/or deposit limits.


ICasino bv reserves the right to apply different loss limits for different age categories.


ICasino bv reserves the right to impose restrictions on a Player Account, limit the availability of a service or close a Player Account, for example when ICasino bv identifies possible Responsible Gaming risks.


ICasino bv can contact a Player via telephone and/or e-mail based on the Responsible Gaming policy. From a Responsible Gaming policy, this may mean that a player is excluded from bonuses for a certain period or that a player may not be able to participate in promotional campaigns, such as tournaments and quests.


Article 28. Risks of using Services

Using the Services on the Platform involves risks, including the possibility of losing your entire stake.


Article 29. Amendment

ICasino bv can update, (unilaterally) change, edit and supplement the general terms and conditions at any time. Players will be notified of changes to the ICasino bv rules by means of a message on the Website or by e-mail. If a User continues to use the Services after a notification that the ICasino bv rules have been changed, such continued use will be considered his/her acceptance of that change.


If a Player does not want to accept the amended ICasino bv rules or cannot comply with them, he/she must stop using the Services with immediate effect. Insofar as a Player has placed a bet and/or participates in a game of chance of which the outcome is not yet known at the time the change takes effect, the general terms and conditions that applied at the time the bet was placed or the game of chance started apply. .


These General Terms and Conditions were updated on 19-06-2024, 12:00 hours.